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Learn More about IGA

Lake Biwa used to be in Iga!? Learn about impossible-sounding stories like this and more with these spots, where you can experience the history of Iga.

History of Iga

Iga developed as an important transportation hub for people and goods. One of the best parts of a trip to Iga is visiting places where historical moments from the past are etched in the present, such as the old townscape, known as "Little Kyoto", whose nostalgic atmosphere will have you reminiscing on a bygone era.


The Travels of Matsuo Basho

Active as a poet in the early Edo Period, Matsuo Basho was considered as a master of the art form. He was born in the year 1644, the second son of Matsuo Yozaemon. His best-known works include the travelogues The Narrow Road to the Deep North and Travelogue of Weather-Beaten Bones. One of the greatest poets in Japanese history, Basho established a highly artistic style of haiku known as Haiku Shofu and is known worldwide as a poetry master. On October 12, 1694, while traveling in Osaka, he fell ill and passed away at the age of 51.


The Craftmanship of Iga

Iga is home to two nationally designated traditional crafts. Witness the sensibility found in Iga firsthand through techniques passed down among generations of artisans.
